Thursday, February 22, 2007

Your Kid Has A Cold? Blame Global Warming

No, I'm not kidding, now the evironmentalist wackos are claiming that global warming is causing kids colds. How can you not laugh at these far left extremists?

GLOBAL warming will take a toll on children's health, according to a new report showing hospital admissions for fever soar as days get hotter.
The new study found that temperature rises had a significant impact on the number of pre-schoolers presenting to emergency departments for fever and gastroenteritis

The two-year study at a major children's hospital showed that for every five-degree rise in temperature two more children under six years old were admitted with fever to that hospital.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How on earth can 07/100 of a degree per century cause this illness they are talking about? Seems to me someone is extremely confused. But if they don't know the cause, of course it will be blamed on global warming. By the way, has Al Gore been visiting there?

February 22, 2007 8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our popolation is growing by leaps and bounds, and a great majority of the growth is from illegal aliens who do not have insurance, no work, no nothing, just cross the border and live off the good samaritans known as Americans. This contributes to most of the emergency room visits in every state of the union. No wonder we are seeing more colds and every other illness in the emergency rooms, it is free to those who don't work for it. "Global Warming" is in the eye of the holder so to speak. It will forevermore be known as the cause of everything that happens that is not considered to be in the best interest of humankind.

February 23, 2007 8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stubbed my toe the other day, guess what caused me to do it? Bingo, it was none other than global warming. whoopee!!

February 23, 2007 7:09 PM  
Blogger hashfanatic said...

"Our popolation is growing by leaps and bounds, and a great majority of the growth is from illegal aliens who do not have insurance, no work, no nothing, just cross the border and live off the good samaritans known as Americans. This contributes to most of the emergency room visits in every state of the union. No wonder we are seeing more colds and every other illness in the emergency rooms, it is free to those who don't work for it. "Global Warming" is in the eye of the holder so to speak. It will forevermore be known as the cause of everything that happens that is not considered to be in the best interest of humankind."

This is absolutely true.

But why is the Bush Crime Family not held responsible for importing them in, while shipping our good jobs overseas through "free trade" and one-world government schemes?

Frankly, illegal immigration has become a world issue, not just a localized American one.

February 24, 2007 11:33 PM  

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